“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Friday, January 28, 2011

Everything I Need

What a week it has been.

Clinicals started up this week. We are going two days a week to Integris Southwest on the OB floor.

This rotation is turning out to be everything I had hoped it would be and more. I previously worked for a family care doctor who also specialized in obstetrics. So going into nursing school, I kind of had an idea that I may be interested in working in OB one day.

But I have kept an open mind in all the areas we have been in and to wait until the OB rotation got here to really decide.

And now that it's here, my mind just might be made up. It is such a different world compared to Med-Surg floors. I never felt a strong desire to work on a Med-Surg floor, and after experiencing this...that lack of desire is confirmed. OB is where I can see myself working in a hospital setting, for sure.

I didn't get to see any babies born because I was assigned to the postpartum area of the floor. So I got to take care of all the new mommies and see the babies after they were born.

OB is a great fit for me in many ways. One, the mothers are usually healthy. No huge medical concerns or time consuming needs. All they want is to have their baby (and their pain meds) and they are happy.

Which brings me to my next reason it is a good fit; the patients are generally very happy! It is such a special time in the lives of these women that they are overjoyed about their new baby and thus are very pleasant to take care of.

And lastly, which I can't speak for all OB staff, but the staff on this particular OB floor are awesome. So laid back, easy going, caring and most of all they love their job. Such a difference from other floors. Most floors we have experienced so far, the staff complains a lot and generally just seem to hate life and hate their job. Now that's something I want to be around every single day....absolutely not! I want to not only love my job personally, but I want to work with others who feel the same. Makes for a much easier 12 hour shift.

So it has overall been a very refreshing experience so far. I just might have found my "nitch" in nursing.

Aside from nursing school, this has been a tough week for Wes and I.

Wes found out early this week that he is going to be reassigned to a different station starting Saturday.

Right now, he is stationed at the post office not even 5 minutes from our house. Very convenient for when he has to be at work at 6:45 AM. And in the 6 months he has been there, he has really enjoyed his supervisors and the other carriers.

And just when you get comfortable...change happens. No one likes change and so it has been hard on Wes. He is going to miss the people he has worked with and doesn't really know what to expect from this new station. Change is never easy but we have realized you just have to make the best of the situations you are given.

Wes starts at his new station tomorrow. We are keeping a positive attitude and trusting God that this change is for the good and will possibly open up doors for new opportunities.

This scripture comes to mind:
Romans 8:28

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the GOOD of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. "

What a wonderful reminder from God that He will make everything to work together for the good. When we are having a hard time understanding the meaning behind the things that happen in our lives, we can stand on His promise that no matter how negative the situation may seem, God will always produce a good outcome out of any and all situations. In those hard times and in times of change, all we need is God.

As Wes has been battling this new change in his job, I have been battling constant headaches, all week.

Now that I am in school, I don't exactly have time to stop and let a headache keep me from doing the things that I need to do. It's been hard this week to get school work done while being in constant pain. And doesn't do much for my mood either.

I made the decision to get a massage this morning, hoping it would help relieve some of the pain. And thank goodness it did! The lady said my neck (tension headaches) was pretty bad but she was able to release some of the tightness. Even though my head is still hurting a little bit, there is relief. And after a full week of pain, even just a little bit of relief is great.

Through the tough times this week, Wes and I have been encouraged by this particular song: "Everything I Need" by Kutless.

When I found myself grumbling or upset, I have turned on this song and felt such a sense of power within the words. That God is my strength in my weakness and everything in my time of need. We definitely had times of weakness this week and are in a time of need.

So powerful. From headaches to job changes...He is everything we need to make it through.

The first clip is from the singer of Kutless explaining the meaning behind writing this song. And the second clip, is the actual song with lyrics.

We all are needing something. But where are we looking to fill that need?

I hope you will listen to this song and find the blessing and encouragement we have.


  1. I love your blog! It is great that you are giving it to God! You are right, He is all we need! ;)

  2. Wouldn't that be awesome if we were OB nurses together at the same hospital?! I'd love that! :)

  3. Wouldn't that be awesome if we were OB nurses together at the same hospital?! I'd love that! :)

  4. I'm glad you are enjoying the OB floor. When I had the twins, I had been on hospital bed rest--so I was there for about a week. The nurses were absolutely AMAZING! I think you have to be a special kind of person to work in OB. I had a lot of complications and was feeling horrible, and most of the nurses were nothing short of amazing. :) Good luck!

  5. Glad to hear you are enjoying OB...I loved my OB rotation, and even got an internship for the summer in OB/Mother Baby. I was surprised how much fun mother/baby is (and how laid back/easy it is!). Being surrounded by healthy babies and happy new parents is definitely a minority in the hospital setting. But keep an open mind for the PICU...just saying, it's an incredible place to be...not that I'm biased or anything : )
