“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Friday, August 10, 2012

Pregnancy Update: Week 35 & 36

Yes, I am alive and well on the other side of blog world! :) Life sure has gotten busy getting ready for Ava to arrive. My mind is now consumed with a constant "to-do" list that never seems to end. I started a list about a week ago with seven to eight things on it and am now down to four so I guess I can consider that progress.

This awful Oklahoma heat is making running errands at 36 weeks pregnancy very difficult. What I once could get done in a single afternoon ends up taking two to three days to accomplish. Oh but I'm so close!!

You will be happy to know that one of my "to-do's" is to BLOG so here I am getting yet another item off my list. :) Although, I think I will end up having to do more than one post to recap the past month's events.

I have had two baby showers and will have another one this weekend. So of course I have pictures from those that I want to share. Wes and I are realizing just how blessed we are to have such wonderful family and friends to support us and love on us and our new baby. Ava is already one special little girl to many people!

So I will start up the updates with a pregnancy update. A lot has actually happened in that area since my last update from a very fast growing belly to now more complaints than I know what to do with. I am officially ready for pregnancy to be over. :)

Here are a few weekly pictures to catch everyone up on the ever growing baby bump:

 35 weeks: Taken just before my baby shower last week!

36 weeks: This shirt really showed off the belly for sure!

My body is starting to let me know that I am carrying around a full term infant in my body. My hips and back are hurting more and my knees! My goodness! Just squatting down to pick something up lights my knee joints on fire trying to get back up! My increased weight gain would explain that pain. I am now at a weight gain of close to 27 lbs and it is ALL baby.
My biggest and newest pregnancy symptom is my feet; swollen...swollen...swollen...all the time. It started to come and go and now they just stay pretty puffy. They have gotten really bad after being on my feet at work. I had to take a picture the other morning after working three nights in a row just to document how bad they really were.

Yikes!!! Do those feet even belong to MY body??
I try my best to elevate them sometime during my shift and drink lots of water but sometimes that unfortunately just doesn't happen. I am more than ready to be off work but I know the more I work maybe the faster she will be here! :)

Speaking of that....at my most recent doctor's appointment this week I got some good and shocking news. Looks like my body is already in preparation for baby Ava's arrival: my cervix is already soft, 1-2 cm dilated and 30% effaced. Pretty impressive for 36 weeks and first baby.

However, working in Labor and Delivery, I realize that some women can be dilated to a 1-2 for weeks before anything exciting happens. But some women also never dilate at all until they are induced at 40+ weeks.
I talked to my doctor about inducing me on her due date and her response was, "Of course! But I really don't think you are going to make it that long. I would be very surprised if you did."

Well okay then! You can only imagine what that news did to my already "to do" list, overdrive brain...super overdrive now!! I haven't been able to let my mind rest since. Like I said, it doesn't mean that anything will happen anytime soon but there's a good possibility it will be before September 6th.
Just for my peace of mind, I requested to have one more ultrasound to check her size. I'm not sure why I feel like I need to know this information but it's just a mental thing I guess, needing to know what size of a baby I will be delivering. :) I'm not at all concerned with her being too big. But I was curious because of so many people saying, "You are how far along??! You are so small!!"

I thought maybe I was going to prove that I was carrying an 8 lb baby just out of spite, but that isn't the case. We had the ultrasound yesterday and she is measuring perfectly at 36 weeks exactly which puts her at 6 lbs 1 oz.
I was 6 lbs 8 oz when I was born so it looks like she might be on track to take after her momma. Everything looked great though. The sonographer was even nice enough to flip over to the 3D for us to get one more look at her. She showed off quite a bit again by opening her mouth, yawning, sticking her tongue out. She's already a character. :)

The sonographer commented on her full lips just as the other lady did. haha I'm anxious to see if those lips are as pouty and full as they appear on the ultrasounds. Too cute!!

I finally ordered her baby book a few weeks ago. I knew I wanted to get one before the showers arrived so I could have a page for guests to sign. I ended up ordering it online and really love it!

The front...

A few of the inside pages. This one is so cute for the family tree.

My other project a few weeks ago was to make a sign for the door at the hospital with Ava's name and date of birth information on it. I see so many patient's family members that put up the cutest signs for their doors and knew I had to come up with something.

I got online and looked around for something I could easily replicate. I don't consider myself the most creative person in the world so I knew it had to be somewhat simple.

Here is the picture I found that I decided to go off of:

Believe it or not, I was even considering painting that little butterfly on the side of the letter too! Let me tell you what though, I got into Hobby Lobby and got completely overwhelmed and suddenly had NO idea what direction to take with this thing.

I was amongst all the millions of ribbon and had no vision in my head in order to pick something out. Of course I end up picking out two or three and would just decide later. After gathering all the rest of the supplies, I was ready to go home and figure out how I would make this work.

Turns out, I love what I was able to do with it and probably even more than that one above. I couldn't find an "A" as big as that one, so the buttons weren't going to fit. I didn't paint anything other than the colors of the letters and dots. I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to make though and how cute it ended up.

The plan is to have it hanging on the door at the hospital and then hang it on the outside of her door at home. One more "to do" to check off the list!!

Close up.

And one more....

Well, except for baby shower pictures and updates, that is all I have for now. Time to go complete more items on my "to do" list. :) First things first...thank you cards!
Hoping to post again soon but no promises. I will do my best!

 Pregnancy Ticker

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