They say that dogs have a sixth sense (so to speak) and can know when you are pregnant. Some will say they all of a sudden become very distant as if they know they have a little competition now. Others would say the opposite and say they instantly had a pup that was glued to their side since day one.
Based on my blog title you would think I am going to say that Lexi was the pup that is now glued to my side but this isn't necessarily true...
Up until about a week ago, Lexi has honestly wanted nothing to do with me. She wasn't completely ignoring me but she definitely had chosen her favorite "parent" between Wes and I. She was all about Wes; always in his lap, always licking his face, and even would get jealous if I got too close to him!
She always nestled up next him when we would lay in bed at night. I couldn't even coax her into sleeping next to me!
We started to wonder if this was a glimpse of how she will be with the new baby; jealous. It was so out of her nature to be THIS jealous over me. Wes and I would be sitting on the couch and if Wes attempted to hold my hand or rub my back, Lexi got entirely upset and would sometimes go as far as growling at me!
We sure have our work cut out for us when this baby arrives....Lexi is really not going to understand.
This jealous demeanor stayed true up until just a week ago and now it has all changed....
As I mentioned before, I went to Lawton to see my parents last week and of course took Lexi along with me. She loves going to Lawton and getting to see my parent's dog, Beamer. She just plays and plays and never acts worn out until we get in the car on the way home and you would think she was sick she is so exhausted. So it's never that I am the center of her attention when we are there...Beamer is. But she did spend three full days with just me and not Wes.
When we got back home, Wes picked me up for lunch and as he was dropping me back off I said he should come inside real quick and say "hi" to Lexi before he went back to work. So he did. And what response did he get out of her?
Nothing...maybe a small tail wag but that was IT. She greeted him very quickly then ran up to me, jumping like crazy.
Huh?....that was different. Give her a little one-on-one time with mom and she's all of a sudden made a switch!I figured it wouldn't last long and before I knew it, she would be right back to Wes.
Well....I will let these pictures I have taken over the past week let you decide if her loyalty changed much...
This is where she is EVERY morning. The second I sit down with my coffee, here she comes climbing into my lap to fall asleep. Not a usual occurrence. (Notice her paw around my belly...)
She stayed this way for at least an hour; snoring.
She woke up because she heard a noise outside, but she didn't go very far.
Looks like she is protecting baby Ava.
More times than not, her head is resting on my belly. Do you think she can hear baby?
She must know something....and it must be soothing. Such a sweet girl. :)
I have had a full week off from work this week and she has been stuck by my side the whole time. I really do wonder what she has picked up on and why all of a sudden? Maybe it is just because I have been home so much, who knows. Or is she bonding with baby?
I work all weekend so we will see if the loyalty continues since I won't be home. I will admit, I am enjoying her deciding to be mommy's girl. :)
Anyone have any interesting stories about their pets during pregnancy? Jealous? Or sweet and protective?
I have two dogs, and one of them was always laying it's head on my belly! The other one didn't really change his demeanor at all. When the twins arrived home, they were really curious and definitely a bit jealous. They got used to it after awhile and are now super protective of both kiddos! :)