Don't get me wrong, I do want to enjoy this time because it is an exciting time for us, but I don't want it to feel like it's dragging on either. :)
As my post title says, I am feeling much better since my last post. Gosh that was awful.
I had to work last Saturday night and it was rough. I went to work feeling okay, but as the night progressed so did my nausea and hunger. I tried to keep eating something most of the night. By about 10 PM, I was so hungry and absolutely nothing sounded good enough to eat. But I felt awful and knew the only way to feel better was to eat.
So I tried but didn't eat much. Two hours later....hunger is now worse and really feeling bad. Managed to eat some beef jerky which did make me feel better but that was short one hour short lived. Ugh.....
By the time I got home, I was exhausted and not feeling good at all. I immediately go to bed at 8 AM and don't wake up till 6 PM. I probably could have just stayed in the bed till the next day but I knew I had to try to get up and eat something.
I felt like Chili's Margarita Grilled Chicken sounded good so Wes went to pick it up to-go.
**Side Note: My husband has been great through all this sickness. I know it probably isn't easy dealing with someone who doesn't ever want anything to eat and lays around on the couch all day long. Compared to his wife who used to always want to eat anything and always seemed to stay somewhat productive throughout the day. Such a blessing to have a wonderful husband to get me through this roigh stage of the pregnancy.**
Wes figured out very quickly that if I said something sounded good, he need not argue about something else sounding better but to just go with it in hopes that I would eat something and feel better.
This meal didn't prove to do much good....
I struggled to get three bites of chicken down and then had to quit. My stomach was not having it.
Fifteen minutes later, first dry heaving episode was in the books. Not.Fun.
The rest of the evening, I layed on the couch dozing off and on and finally decided to call in a night around 11 PM. And I slept the next day till 10:30 AM.
Wow, they weren't joking when they said you would need extra sleep in the first trimester. I'm exhausted!!
Now...why did I tell all of you the most awful parts of my first trimester experience? does get better!!
The next morning, I felt better. Not great, but better. I had my morning cup of coffee (hasn't happened in over a week) and breakfast. A hamburger from Steak n' Shake actually sounded good so Wes and I got out for lunch. It didn't end up tasting as good as I had hoped, but I did eat half.
At least it was something.
I had to go back to work Monday night and was so afraid it would end up like before.
But it didn't! I had the BEST night I have had on nights yet! I managed to eat pretty consistently all night long without much nausea at all. (Thanks to Zofran and OTC Bonine)
I couldn't believe how great I felt. Still not 100% but SO much better!!
I had to work again the next night, so I was hoping it wasn't short lived and would last through the next day at least to get me through work.
Success! Even though I took the Zofran and Bonine just to be on the safe side, I had another great night!
I am still stuggling with the challenege of having to eat every two hours since my stomach will start churning with hunger pains. I made a trip to the grocery store yesterday and got a lot of fruit hoping it would sound appealing in the next few days to give me something healthy to snack on.
Here is my snack from yesterday. String Cheese and a peach. It tasted delicious!!
It felt so good to not only finally want to eat, but eat something that is healthy for me and baby.
The sickness only lasted two weeks.....think it's the end of it?
I sure hope so! I couldn't take much longer. I feel for those mom's who were sick throughout their entire pregnancy. I would definitely rethink having another child if that was me.
Like I said, I still don't feel quite 100% but most of the time I am a good 90% which is great!
Yesterday I even managed to go grocery shopping, clean up the house, and fix dinner. Success!!
**Edit: Okay, I don't know if I just jinxed myself by typing this blog about how great I've been doing because I just threw up out of no where. Wonderful..... I don't really feel bad which is somewhat of a plus but I thought I was over this! Zofran and Bonine for the day....check!!!
I'm going to quit typing while I'm ahead. Or how about change the subject. :)
I haven't posted any recent pictures of Lexi lately. Here is a pic from today.
Lexi ran into Wes's music room and this is where we found her. Keeping the seat warm maybe?
Such a cutie! Love this girl!!
Update on Wes and the studio. This has been a really great week for him. He has new projects coming up in February and has been busy with existing clients this week. I love seeing God at work in my husband's life. He has a passion for music and works hard to fulfill the calling that God has placed on his life to do it for a career. Not every week is as easy as this one has been for him, but he continues to push forward and discover the many blessings God has for his life.
My mom will be coming to visit this next weekend which I am SO excited about! She hasn't been to OKC in a long time. I am looking forward to spending time with her and hopefully doing some shopping along the way. :) Maybe even go look at baby stuff.
Another thing we have to look forward to this next week is my first prenatal visit which is Thursday. This visit will just be with the nurse and I will see the doctor when I am closer to 12 weeks. Wes is planning on coming with me. We have been told we will get our first official ultrasound so we are excited to see our little baby again soon!
I haven't taken any belly pictures yet mainly because I don't feel like anything has changed. I know I still need to document my body before things start changing so maybe I will start taking a weekly picture this next week.
Wes thinks I have a little belly but I keep telling him that it's got to be all bloat and no baby since baby is still so small and so far down. He begs to differ....let's hope I'm right and the bump isn't starting already!
My next post will hopefully consist of our newest ultrasound pictures and more stories of how great I'm still feeling (minus the random runs to the toilet in the middle of the weird...)

My mom will be coming to visit this next weekend which I am SO excited about! She hasn't been to OKC in a long time. I am looking forward to spending time with her and hopefully doing some shopping along the way. :) Maybe even go look at baby stuff.
Another thing we have to look forward to this next week is my first prenatal visit which is Thursday. This visit will just be with the nurse and I will see the doctor when I am closer to 12 weeks. Wes is planning on coming with me. We have been told we will get our first official ultrasound so we are excited to see our little baby again soon!
I haven't taken any belly pictures yet mainly because I don't feel like anything has changed. I know I still need to document my body before things start changing so maybe I will start taking a weekly picture this next week.
Wes thinks I have a little belly but I keep telling him that it's got to be all bloat and no baby since baby is still so small and so far down. He begs to differ....let's hope I'm right and the bump isn't starting already!
My next post will hopefully consist of our newest ultrasound pictures and more stories of how great I'm still feeling (minus the random runs to the toilet in the middle of the weird...)
According to
Grow baby, grow!!
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