Ephesians 3:20
So much to thank God for in this post!
Last week, I applied for an RN position at Yukon Integris in Labor and Delivery, where I did my Leadership. Getting to this point, however, wasn't as easy as it sounds.
Back up a few weeks...We were told back before Leadership began that the director was intending to hire us once Leadership was over. Well, here it was the second week of August, Leadership has been finished since July 11th, graduation is done, and we hadn't heard a single word. I was sending multiple emails just trying to get some answers.
Even out of desperation in one of the emails to the director, I wrote, "I am just really starting to get nervous because I want to have a job once I pass boards".
Still didn't get a response, even after that... My wonderful husband kept reminding to to be patient and that God will work everything out.
Patience...why is that word SO hard to live out??
After waiting two weeks (talk about patience!), I get a response from the director saying she was opening up two "new grad" positions and to let her know once I had applied. I applied last Thursday and that same day received an email saying my application was being moved onto the next step and sent to the manager for screening. Yes!!! Progress!!! Finally!!
Fast forward to this past Monday.....
Wes and I were walking into Target and he says to me, "Gosh, when are you going to be able to start working??" (And he is the one telling me to be patient!) :)
I calmly said, "Well, I am just waiting on a call to get an interview scheduled with Integris and of course I still have to take boards and I haven't gotten my "authorization to test" letter yet so still waiting on that too. So nothing can happen until those two things come through."
I'm not even kidding you when I tell you this but we were not inside Target for longer than 10 minutes when my phone beeps saying I have an email. I look at my phone and.....there's my "authorization to test" letter telling me I can schedule my NCLEX.
Already I am thinking....wow...how ironic is that? We were just saying that needed to happen and wa la! There is it! Crazy....
I barely had time to put my phone back up in my purse when it started ringing...I didn't recognize the number but answered it anyway. And who was it???
Human Resources with Integris wanting to schedule an interview!!!
I kid you not...that was exactly how it happened. Wow! There's no way to deny it...that was a God thing. It's amazing that we don't even have to stop and pray for the things we desire and/or need but God still hears us and knows our heart and He will answer. Many people think that if we don't pray for what we need, then God won't know what we need.
But God's Word says:
Psalm 20:3- "May He grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed."
Psalm 37:4,5- "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will hep you."
God wants to give you the desires of your heart. He knows your heart without you having to say a single word. All he asks is that you seek Him in all you do and put your trust and faith in Him. It is then that He will begin to set things in motion before you even have a chance to ask.
My interview was Tuesday morning and as of yesterday afternoon, I HAVE A JOB! Praise God!!!
I want to share this worship song with you. This is a new worship song that we have been singing at church lately. I noticed my heart singing these lyrics after all the wonderful things that God has done in my life this week.
This is the prayer of my heart. That I will always remain confident in Christ because of the things He has done for me. I will continue to set my hope on Him for I know He holds my future and has wonderful plans for my life. God, you are SO good and SO faithful! I thank you today for the many blessings you have given me.
May this song be an encouragement to you and you will find strength and confidence in these words.
Congrats! That is where I will be delivering my baby in April so I will be looking for you! :D