“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Praise God!

Now unto to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than ALL we can ask or imagine, according to HIS power that is at work within us.
  Ephesians 3:20

So much to thank God for in this post!

Last week, I applied for an RN position at Yukon Integris in Labor and Delivery, where I did my Leadership. Getting to this point, however, wasn't as easy as it sounds.

Back up a few weeks...We were told back before Leadership began that the director was intending to hire us once Leadership was over. Well, here it was the second week of August, Leadership has been finished since July 11th, graduation is done, and we hadn't heard a single word. I was sending multiple emails just trying to get some answers.

Even out of desperation in one of the emails to the director, I wrote, "I am just really starting to get nervous because I want to have a job once I pass boards".

Still didn't get a response, even after that... My wonderful husband kept reminding to to be patient and that God will work everything out.

Patience...why is that word SO hard to live out??

After waiting two weeks (talk about patience!), I get a response from the director saying she was opening up two "new grad" positions and to let her know once I had applied. I applied last Thursday and that same day received an email saying my application was being moved onto the next step and sent to the manager for screening. Yes!!! Progress!!! Finally!!

Fast forward to this past Monday.....

Wes and I were walking into Target and he says to me, "Gosh, when are you going to be able to start working??" (And he is the one telling me to be patient!) :)

I calmly said, "Well, I am just waiting on a call to get an interview scheduled with Integris and of course I still have to take boards and I haven't gotten my "authorization to test" letter yet so still waiting on that too. So nothing can happen until those two things come through."

I'm not even kidding you when I tell you this but we were not inside Target for longer than 10 minutes when my phone beeps saying I have an email. I look at my phone and.....there's my "authorization to test" letter telling me I can schedule my NCLEX.

Already I am thinking....wow...how ironic is that? We were just saying that needed to happen and wa la! There is it! Crazy....

I barely had time to put my phone back up in my purse when it started ringing...I didn't recognize the number but answered it anyway. And who was it???

Human Resources with Integris wanting to schedule an interview!!!

I kid you not...that was exactly how it happened. Wow! There's no way to deny it...that was a God thing. It's amazing that we don't even have to stop and pray for the things we desire and/or need but God still hears us and knows our heart and He will answer. Many people think that if we don't pray for what we need, then God won't know what we need.

But God's Word says:

Psalm 20:3- "May He grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed."

Psalm 37:4,5- "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will hep you."

God wants to give you the desires of your heart. He knows your heart without you having to say a single word. All he asks is that you seek Him in all you do and put your trust and faith in Him. It is then that He will begin to set things in motion before you even have a chance to ask.

My interview was Tuesday morning and as of yesterday afternoon, I HAVE A JOB! Praise God!!!

I want to share this worship song with you. This is a new worship song that we have been singing at church lately. I noticed my heart singing these lyrics after all the wonderful things that God has done in my life this week.

This is the prayer of my heart. That I will always remain confident in Christ because of the things He has done for me. I will continue to set my hope on Him for I know He holds my future and has wonderful plans for my life. God, you are SO good and SO faithful! I thank you today for the many blessings you have given me.

May this song be an encouragement to you and you will find strength and confidence in these words.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life Lately (Take 2)

Well, there is nothing more frustrating than spending over an hour on writing a post and then with one accidental hit of a key, the whole thing... gone! Great....

So this post might not be as elaborate as the last but hopefully my thoughts are still there and I will be able to "re-capture" my thoughts as in the previous post.

I have been telling myself every day for about a week that I need to write a blog post but somehow, life happened and it's already a week later. And before I know it, I am left with the challenge of having to update quite a lot of stuff and the post gets longer...and longer...

I will try to keep it short and sweet. No promises though. :)

Wes's business in the studio has been great! There were actually three consecutive nights last week that he wasn't home before midnight. Most of his clients have jobs during the day so that means recording can't start until at least 6:30 at night which makes for a long night. But it is business and we are so thankful for it!

We had figured up how much we would need this month to just cover bills and have already surpassed that amount with the recent studio business. God is faithful.

This made it hard not seeing him in the evenings, especially since I was gone all week during the day hours.

Monday thru Thursday was the all day, Hurst Review at the college. This is a live review session for the NCLEX where we get all we need to know (we hope!) for passing boards. We started each morning at 8 am and didn't end until at least 4 pm if not later. Now I know this is most people's normal job hours, what's the big deal right?

Well....We are talking constant learning and LOTS of information all at one time. I think by the end of the week all of our brains felt like they might explode. Although it made for some loooong days, it was SO helpful and I feel so much more confident after taking the class. Time (and money!) well spent. Bring it on NCLEX!!!

This is our book that we worked through all week. Let's just say this book will go with me everywhere until boards are over. :)

Doesn't all this information just look crazy? What's even crazier is that we all completely understand it and it makes perfect sense to us. :)

And this is what happens during Hurst Review....candy becomes a constant source for brain food. The candy obsession usually started every day at 8 am sharp! haha

Overall, it was a great review and gave us all that little extra boost of confidence in our ability to pass boards the first time. Not sure when that will be, I am still waiting for my letter to arrive that says I can schedule my testing date. It will most likely be sometime mid September.

With my long days and Wes's long nights, it made it tough not getting to see each other except for a few minutes in the morning as I rushed out the door at 7:30 am and a few minutes at night as Wes climbed into bed at midnight.

One night Wes got home at almost exactly midnight and I decided to wake up enough to talk to him about his day and fill him in on my day as well. Best decision I ever made. We laid in bed talking until 2 am!

This is where I have to mention how much I love nights like these. There is something so wonderful and so comforting about laying in the dark, next to your spouse, talking about your day, and reminiscing on our lives together. It allows us to really realize just how lucky we are to have each other and marvel at the way God has continued to guide us and protect us throughout our lives. We are blessed!

These nights are happening more and more and I am so thankful for every single moment. Those moments are so precious and so important as we continue to grow as a couple and continue to grow in Christ, together.

Hurst Review ended on Thursday and Wes didn't have anything going on in the studio, so we decided to pack our bags, loaded up Lexi, and head to Lawton to visit my parents.

Lexi does SO well in the car. I hear a lot of people talk about how much their dogs hate car rides and even have a hard time getting them into the car. Not the case with our little pup. She sits in the driver's lap, looks out in the window a couple of times, and eventually falls asleep.

This trip was no different....

She was asleep before we were even out of Oklahoma City. And she has to sleep in the driver's lap, the passenger's lap just won't do. Wes joked and said that's because she likes to be in control. haha Maybe so! She is a Yorkie after all.

The next day, we made a trip to my dad's music store and of course Wes walked away with new "toys" for the studio. Have to put money in to make a profit, right? Well, that's what I say at least as he shows me all these expensive "toys" he wants/needs for the studio. I was glad to see him happy though. :)

After going to the "store" (that's what my family calls it) we headed up to my mom's school where she teaches. For as long as I can remember, come August I was always up at her school helping her get her room ready for the upcoming school year. I'm sure I wasn't much help when I was younger, but I always enjoyed it.

Wes and I showing off "what we did"! Getting a classroom ready for the school year means putting up lots and lots of bulletin boards. I think we get an A+!

That evening, we drove out of town to Wichita Falls to have dinner at the BEST Japanese Steakhouse EVER, Samari of Tokyo.

For those who live in Oklahoma City (or maybe those who don't) and know about how wonderful Ted's mexican food is and how you always compare any other mexican restaurant to Ted's. Well, to give you an idea, Samari of Tokyo is the "Ted's" of hibachi grills. SO good! Even Wes agreed that it was the best he's had and definitely worth the trip.

I enjoy spending time with Wes and my family so much. It has been so nice to be done with school and have a little bit of time off to do the things that I want to do, like visiting family. With Wes now not working on the weekends, we will have many more opportunities to make these trips to Lawton. Nothing compares and nothing is more relaxing than spending time with family.

We headed back home the next morning. I had a hair appointment and Wes had work in the studio to get done. Here is Lexi on the way out of town....

Not asleep yet....but if you think her eyes look sleepy it's probably because she had been awake since 5:30 am! Crazy dog...doesn't she know it's Saturday?! She fell asleep not long after this.

I started reading this book in the car on the way back. I actually read it out loud to Wes so technically we are both reading it. Such an amazing book! If you are looking for a book to read, this is one to buy!

We stayed up till 2 am Sunday night reading it. We didn't end up finishing it, but got pretty close. It's such a page turner. You just want to keep reading...and reading....But we decided it was late and called it a night.

This is another book I just picked up from Barnes and Noble yesterday. I saw an article about this book in People magazine and knew it would be a good read. Anyone read it?? I hope to start it soon.

Something new happened in our house Monday morning and I hope it is something that we keep up with and really learn to enjoy.

Before even getting out of bed, Wes and I listened to a 15 minute devotional by Joyce Meyer. We then spent a few minutes focusing on one of the scriptures she had mentioned and dicussed what it meant. This is something Wes and I have been wanting to do for a loooong time. I'm talking before we were even engaged, we would always talk about how much we needed to do a devotional time together but it never seemed to happen.

It's so easy to get busy and not make the time. But honestly...look at the things we DO make time for that are not nearly as important as our walk with Christ. There is nothing more important and it therefore deserves our time.

Before Wes headed out the door to the studio, we did something else that we have yet to do as a couple. We prayed together. Hand in hand...each praying for our day ahead.

The day felt so good after that moment. I noticed my spirit happy, excited, and ready to face the day. I noticed I started singing out loud, "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice...Rejoice in Lord always and again I say rejoice!"

Lexi would stop and look up at me with her head titled sideways. It felt so good to sing praises to His name and start my day off with such focus on what truly matters in life....and that is my relationship with God.

We have a new commitment to God and to each other to take the time, everyday, to spend time in the Word of God and with each other in prayer.

I am in awe of the wonderful works of the Lord. He has blessed me with a husband who loves and serves the Lord and wants to grow in Christ with me. I prayed and prayed for my future husband to be such a man but I got more than I could have ever asked for.

This scripture has always been an encouragement to me. I share it with you hoping you too will be able to rejoice for the things God has done in your life and find strength in the power of Christ.

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."
Romans 5:3-5

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Edge Studios: Back in Business

The past few weeks Wes and I have spent quite a bit of time getting the studio ready for "business". I started to enjoy the business/marketing side of things and thought maybe I have an unknown talent and should become his business manager. :) Ha Wes didn't exactly go for that, but he has appreciated all my hard work and creativity.

My crazy organizational skills took over and I began to constantly brainstorm on different ways to market his business and make it as professional and successful as I know it can be.

The first item on the list was to make a professional flier. This flier would be available to his clients and to also pass out to local businesses in order to get his name out there. The flier gives a little background information on Wes and also lists his services and rates. Here is the final product:

Obviously I don't intend for you guys to read that, but you get the general idea of what it looks like. I just used a template on Microsoft Word and  customized it with what Wes wanted. Turned out pretty good I think. :)

Our next idea for marketing was new business cards. We used VistaPrint online and were very pleased with the finished product. They just came in the mail yesterday.

Front Side

Back Side

Even though Wes has always had the studio, this time it is almost like a new "grand opening". Wes has a stronger commitment than ever to really make this dream a reality. He has confirmation from the Lord that this is where God wants him to be and plans to do whatever it takes to make it a success.

With that in mind, we have decided to do an official "Open House" to celebrate the new beginning of Edge Studios. I decided that the best way to get people invited was to mail out postcards but I wanted them to be professional so I used VistaPrint again for designing them. We ended up getting 100 for FREE; great deal!! And they look great too!

The Open House will be Thursday, September 1st from 6:30-8:30 PM at the studio. I think it will be a great time for all his clients, friends, and family to come out and celebrate this new business endeavor.

Here are how the postcards turned out:

Front Side

Back Side

Wes has been SUPER busy in the studio this past week. He has had a session pretty much every single night. There have even been a few days where he has had two or more sessions in one day.

God is SO good and SO faithful!!

The rest of the studio renovations have been cleaning up the studio and adding a few decorative touches to make it look really professional. It looks awesome and his clients have already been saying great things and appreciate all the hard work Wes had put into making the studio look as good as it does.

Control Room (1) We bought these two new leather chairs from Ross ($50!) They go perfect with the modern feel of the studio.

Control Rom (2)

We bought this table from Hobby Lobby to go in the entry way when you walk in the front door.

The awesome guitar lamp came from Hobby Lobby too. We are also using the table to put his business cards on and the fliers will go underneath in the holder.

New artwork for the hallway.

Another look at the artwork from a different view. Looking towards the front door.

The bathroom was the next room that needed some TLC. Looks great now!!

Another look at the bathroom decor.

And another....

Main Room (1)

Main Room (2)
Wes would want me to mention that hard wood floors are the next renovation to happen once we get enough money saved up. He's not to fond of the red carpet. :)

Main Room (3)

The producer himself in his element :)

As you can see, I am one very, very proud wife. I love that Wes is following God's calling for his life and I am overjoyed to get to stand by his side and support and encourage him every single step of the way.

If you are interested or know someone who might be interested in learning more about the studio, scroll down to the bottom of my blog page for a direct link to Wes's website. :) He is also on Facebook as "Edge Studios Recording".

This is the "new" beginning of Edge Studios....but it is definitely only the beginning.