The story behind Christmas Eve gift and Christmas gift is pretty simple: You have to try to be the first one to say it to everyone before they do. Now before Wes and I met, this was an ongoing tradition in my family. Last Christmas, it was Christmas Eve and Wes just blurted out, "Christmas Eve Gift!". I thought to myself, did he hear of this tradition from my mom and now he is trying to get me when it's MY tradition?! But it turns out, his family does the same thing! Wow...what are the chances? I really thought our family was completely crazy in making up this game but we weren't the only crazy ones!
It was really cool that both of our families have been carrying out the same exact tradition. And now that both families are joined as one, we can continue our tradition with our new families and everyone gets it without thinking the other has completely lost their mind!
So who got who this year for "Christmas Eve Gift"? Thanks to text messaging in the 21st century, my mom got me early this morning. Dang it! Feeling somewhat defeated, I decided to get Wes' mom and twin brother, Dave, through text. YES!!! Then Wes' mom got my mom back. All of this through text. Oh how texting has changed the world. I was able to get my lovely husband the old fashioned way...the phone! He called from work and I immediately answer his call with "Christmas Eve Gift!". So basically I'm three for one so far.We are having Christmas with the DeWitte's tonight once Wes is off work. Maybe I can get some more people then! :)
I decided to post some pictures of our home decorated for Christmas. It's going to be hard to take down the decorations after Christmas, it is all so pretty. It can all stay up at least through mid January right? ;) Enjoy!
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